Qarsenal Wikia

Test case creation

Path: {jira_base_url}/rest/tm/1.0/automation/testcase


Creates a copy of Test Case from the Library in selected Test Run(id was returned by /rest/tm/1.0/automation/testrun)

Acceptable request representations : application/json

Parameter name Mandatory Description
projectKey Y Destination project key
testRunId Y Destination test run id. Test run must be created via REST API service, otherwice validation exception will be thrown
originalTestCaseKey Y Source test case key
preserveFolderStructure N true or false. If true - service will create test case with preserving of folders structure.
executionStatus N OK or ERR. If ERR - service will create linked bug issue with summary : "Failed execute " + issue key + issue summary
executionMessage N This parameter value will be set into description of created linked bug.

Thus in case of success execution (executionStatus == OK) parameter will be skipped

Request example:







     "executionMessage":"Error processing test for ..."


Response representations : application/json

Succesfull response code 201

Response example :





Error response codes 403,412,500

Response example :


     "errorMessage":"Test Run with id 12 wasn't create as Automation Test Run"

